Those of you who know me know one of my favorite T.V. dramas is E.R. It's Hollywood liberal bias at it's finest, but it's a well-written show and features some fabulous acting. I've been mad at their extremely one-sided portrayal of issues in the past, but last night took the cake. Issue - Abortion, i.e. legalized infanticide - or as liberals like to paint it a woman's right to choose.
If you didn't watch it, there were two women facing a decision about abortion. One, a permiscuous 37-year-old doctor - who used to be a nurse; the other, the obligatory 15-year-old rape victim, who got drunk at a party and woke up to bloody sheets and her pants lying on the floor. Not surprisingly, the show reached the conclusion for us that the young girl should not be forced to carry "it". So, against the wishes of the girl's "extremely religious", ardently pro-life parents, a Catholic, "personally pro-life" Doctor (who also happens to be very permiscuous, and is the father of the other child in the scenario), induces a miscarriage for the girl. As if a 15-year-old should make that decision on her own, let alone less than two hours after finding out she's pregnant. Yes, that's plenty of time to gather all the scientific facts and make an informed decision to murder your unborn child!!
Most disturbing was his explanation to the girl who asks "Is this a sin?" and quotes scripture about God knowing us before He formed us in the womb. He quotes Genesis about God breathing life into Adam, and then says "This is medicine's way of asking God to reconsider."
Me - "What the FXXX!?!?!" My wife - stares at me as if I just said something wrong...
So, now I'm really angry and if the big announcement next week turns out to be that Michael (who just got married) is gay, I'm done with this stupid show forever.
On the plus side, My Name is Earl was really funny last night.
Good post. I recently launched a debate on my xanga about 10 arguments that pro-choicers use. I invite you to read/comment:
I'm on xanga as well. I am subscribing to you there.
Have you heard the good news coming from (and most likely going to) the Supreme Court about abortion lately? RICO is no longer applicable to Pro-Life protesters, and South Dakota will likely make it a crime to perform most abortions in that state!! I have links to more information from my blog...
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