Monday, January 16, 2006

Starting Point

Worship. What is it exactly, and how do you worship with an instrument, let alone an instrument like the bass guitar?

Let's start with what it is not. Worship is NOT music. It's not singing songs. It's not playing an instrument. It's not praying. It's not giving offerings. All of those things are part of a worshippers life (at least if you play an instrument), but they aren't worship.

Worship is a lifestyle of being sold out to God. Whether you make a living playing music or counting widgets, doing your job well is worship to God, unless you make that job or that music the object of your worship. For me, worship means selling out to God and using my gifts to bring honor and glory to Him. I try to bring an attitude of worship whether I'm playing Gospel songs on Sunday morning or funk on Friday night. Whether I'm walking a blues bass line or slapping a wicked funk part, I try to focus my mind on worshipping God, not showing off chops.

Loving my wife the way I should is also worship to God, provided I'm not worshipping her in the process. He created us both and designed us to be man and wife and when I treat her with Christ-like love, He is honored.

Raising my child in God's ways is an act of worship as well. Raising up the next generation of Worshippers is a most important job.

Even the way I treat my dog can be an act of worship. He is one of God's creation as well. He must be treated well and trained to be a good canine citizen in my neighborhood.

Where I really struggle in lifestyle worship is in my job. I despise my job most days. It is the antithesis of what I was designed to do. It's non-artistic and boring as all get out. It involves putting files in order and putting mail in those files. That's it... Not a good job for someone designed to be creative.

So, there's the first installment of the new bass blog. Next time we'll get into some actual bass discussion.

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